Order Now (Patients only)

Step 1 : Fill the Registration Form

Name :  *
Email : *
Phone : *
Address : *
City :
State :
Profession :
Age : Yr.
Sex :
Marital Status :
Weight : kg
Height :
Target  Weight Loss : kg
Prescribed by Doctor :
If Yes, Name of Doctor :
* Kindly scan and send the prescription
at contact@hcgdietindia.com
Enter Code :

Step 2 :

Our Representative will give you a call and explain you the protocol in detail.

Have you left your contact details with us? If No then click here and fill the form.

Step 3 :

You will get a detailed questionnaire about your health status. Remember, you should be cautious about any health related purchases online. Download the questionnaire. Fill it honestly and send back to contact@hcgdietindia.com to be evaluated by our Obesity experts.

Step 4 :

Once our expert reviews the questionnaire, you will get a list of investigations / Imaging. Remember, you should not harm yourself.

Step 5 :

Send your laboratory / Imaging reports to be reviewed by our experts.

Step 6 :

Once decided by experts, you will be sent intimation with a consent form.